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Weekly update June. 8th, 2020! An unexpected break and lots of photos.

An experiment to combine the Netflix She-ra designs with the old filmation style background paintings.

Hello readers,

Boy was last week crazy for yours truly and the world in general. ( I even got tear-gassed by the Police on one occasion. ) A lot of stuff happened that cut into art production time. But, we’re past all that and a fresh week now lies ahead.

First, the D&D sticker campaign was a success! The stickers arrived last week and were shipped out to all pre-order backers. You can get yours at the online shop! Also, check out these sweet pics of the custom envelope art and final products.

Custom envelope art! Air mail indeed!
Final custom envelopes!
Final stickers all laid out!

And that is all for now. Be back soon with more art and comics!

All the best,


A Saint Seiya inspired lady warrior!

Weekly update May. 11th, 2020! No Astray3 this week and leaks…the water kind.

Hello readers,

Sorry folks, no comic update this week. Things got out of hand over the weekend and I wasn’t able to work on the next A3. Seems I have an underground water leak that needs to be addressed soon. Return next Monday as a new phase of chapter four begins! Familiar faces, friend and foe, will be returning.

I’ll continue to post new art here in the meantime. Also, don’t forget the preorder for the D&D stickers is going till May 24th.

I’ll leave you with a punk rock mermaid I create for Mermay!

Till next time,


Weekly update May. 5th, 2020! Stickers and disappointments!

Hello folks,

This is a late update for what to expect in the upcoming weeks. ( And posting the final designs for the D&D sticker design run. ) 

Expect some more delays in comic posts. Things are about to start picking up and there is a big scene change coming. This will involve some design work that will stall page production.  I’m optimistic that we won’t go weeks without updates. I can’t guaranteed it though.  

And in other news, the art for a new sticker run is done. Above are the last two designs. I will be spending time this week polishing them up and prepping them for production. Look for a post this weekend announcing the pre-order special. Annnnddd active Patreon contributors will get a special discount on the pre-order.

That is all for now. I will leave you with a killer whale lady for Mer-May 2020. 

All the best,


Oops…No comic update this week.

The next design for my lowbrow art D&D sticker series. Two more to go!

Hey folks,

It’s been a slow art week. I’m also trying some new stuff with the next Astray3 update. So, sadly, the new page won’t be ready by the end of this week. Expect it to drop on Monday per usual.

Sorry for the wait! Be back soon!

All the best,


Weekly update April. 20th, 2020 Another late comic week.

Hello readers,

That time has arrived, the time when comic updates will become irregular. Fortunately, updates should still appear weekly. They’ll post as soon as I deem them ready for release. This is a result of production complications and just plain ole not enough time in the day. I will endeavor to keep you up to date on when the new pages will drop.

In the meantime, enjoy the latest two additions to my upcoming saucy D&D sticker series. I have three more planned. Look for those in the coming two weeks.

New comic update soon. All the best!


Weekly update April. 13th, 2020 Late comic update this week.

Hello folks,

Comic update will be late this week. I took too long with the art and the lettering has yet to be completed. Look for the update to drop on Tuesday. This will probably be the pattern for the near future. There will be a comic update each week, but they’ll drop on the day they are finished.

In the meantime, enjoy this plethora of art.
