Capping off 2024 with some unfinished business.

One of my big disappointments of 2024 is that I didn’t get around to illustrating any new monster girls for October. Alas, other projects took precedence. I considered belatedly revisiting my ideas for the 2024 set. But, that time will probably be best spent revamping the Canopus Cathouse and other BT cheesecake designs. Oh well, hopefully 2025 will see some more pinup art.

Just so the year doesn’t leave us without one saucy monster gal, here’s a fanart of my favorite jobbing harpy demon in cyberpunk fashion.

In shop news, the 2023 edition monster girl pack has ben split up. You can choose between two cryptid gals or a sexy-Cthulhu lady: based on a terribly disappointing dice.

Get em here:

And on the other side, Big Bear Warmachines magnets are back!

Get those here:

That’s it for 2024…sigh…time for 2025.

Something adorably violent is coming.

My little board game project is finally entering it’s beta test phase. I’ll be playtesting it with some friends at Gencon in a few weeks. I might even hang out in the gaming hall after hours to demo it for interested peeps.
As for how it plays, It’s a mash up of BT Alpha strike and Spacehulk jammed into a randomly generated dungeon crawler game smeared in a coat of adorable violence. I hope to make the formal project announcement within the next couple months. ( Fingers crossed. )

And, yes, this is why I haven’t been posting much extra art over the previous year. I’ve had to build every element of this project form scratch. ( Except for who helped me with the 3D models and other print elements. He’s an absolute life saver. )