This week’s update has finally posted! Part of the delay is due to experimenting with Clip Studio Paint for lineart and layouts. Hopefully, this will help with production once the kinks are worked out. So, bear with me as I figure out how best to integrate it into my workflow.
No need for translations this week dear readers. ( No Saturday translation post. ) I thought the page could speak for itself this time.
There are a lot of new developments percolating under the comicy surface my friends. I just finished writing a lengthy update on the Patreon post for today’s page. I would suggest checking it out for more details.
After a short delay Astray3 is back with page 27. While illness and work was the primary reason for the delay another was experimenting with a new coloring process. The new method is based on current digital painting processes. Of course, it’s simplified for the speedier demands of comic creation. I’m fairly pleased with the direction. Although, there is still plenty of kinks to work out and exploration to do with the new process.
In other comic news, updates should largely be back on schedule. However, I should know better than to jinx myself by declaring that. Let’s hope there won’t be any production obstacles over the next couple of weeks.
A recent Adobe Illustrator creation. For more info check out the old Patreon post at
Sorry folks, I got hit by a bug that threw a wrench in the comic production last week. So, no update today. I hope to have a new page up by Thursday. However….I also have a work related trip coming up this week. Thus there maybe no update this week at all. Let’s hope I get a lot of work done over the next couple of nights. I apologize for the delay.
See you soon,
P.S. In the meantime, here are some of my Procreate doodles from the last several weeks.