OCTOBER IS ALMOST HERE! Time to get into that spooky mood. Here are some digital paintings I’ve recently worked on. Enjoy!

Hey you wonderful readers,
A quick update for this week. This comic will be the last before the new Astray3’s one year anniversary. Next week will be the start of a new year for the comic. If you’ve been reading these little weekly notes you’d know I’ve been contemplating some changes. I’ll be debuting one of those changes next week. Tune in next Monday to see a “big” change to the comic.
All the best,
Fwoosh….A bit late getting this week’s update posted. At the time of this writing I’ve been working on the comic for about 17 hours straight. So, not a lot of yakity yak on this post. ( My wrist is killing me. ) A quick reminder, A3 is moving to a once a week update for the foreseeable future. So, check back Mondays for the regular update. However, you may want to check the blog during the week for extras and updates.
See ya next week,
Finally, we will have a two update week. It’s been a long time coming, but it is finally here! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!…However, this will probably be the last double update week for the foreseeable future. ( Not saying this will be the situation indefinitely. )
We are quickly reaching the one year anniversary for this version of Astray3. HURRAY! However, hold the cake and confetti, it is time for some introspection and reevaluation. While, I do consider the current version a success purely based on it’s continued existence, the last year has certainly been a learning experience. ( For instance, I now have a solid idea of what can be accomplished on a week to week basis. )
It’s painfully apparent that the webcomic environment has changed since the original A3 run. Thus the theme for Astray3 v2 year two will be experimentation. Fear not, A3 will go largely untouched and continue to update on a “weekly” basis. Although, there maybe inconsistencies in the release schedule due to taking time to work on related projects. ( Such as putting together a print version, updating the site, or just plain life issues. ) Also, since A3 is a personal project, I won’t be moving it to a popular webcomic collective site. That way I can keep it clear of any tricksy contract issues and outside meddling.
What are my bold NEW ideas then? Well, there is nothing concrete yet. I just have some vague concepts in mind. For one, I’m considering a smaller, less complicated side comic to feature on those big webcomic collective sites. I currently try, and regularly fail at, creating two A3 comics a week. Each A3 update takes an average of 20 to 25 hours to create. ( That is a loooose estimate. Not even accounting for thumb-nailing and writer’s block. It might go as high as 30 hours. ) Moving A3 to a once a week schedule will free up time for a second feature designed to be produced in less than half the time. This second comic won’t be featured here, but hopefully, will point the new audience to Astray3. That is the rough idea anyway.
What do you think fair readers?
See you next week,
Working on the Thursday comic at the time of this update, but I doubt it will be ready in time for a double week. I’ll probably hold it over till next Monday to guaranteed we get a double week in then.
See you then,