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Weekly update for April. 28, 2019. A light at the end of the tunnel.

The cover for The Interstitial vol. 1

Hello readers,

As mentioned previously, there will be no comic update this week. But, it ain’t all grim news. The above illustration represents another big project knocked off my schedule. Only a few more to go and my focus will be back on the comic full time. So, return next monday for Astray3 chapter 3 page 35. After that, it’ll be about two more updates till the end of chapter 3.

About the above illustration, it will be the cover for an art booklet I’m creating for the upcoming Death Ray Expo. ( ) The event will be the debut of the book. However, if you can’t attend the show, the booklets will be sold online shortly afterward. And there will also be some other big surprises for sale around the same time. ( Shhh…it’s a secret. ) I’ll keep you posted here.

That is all for now.

All the best,


Weekly update for April. 22, 2019. A brief update delay.

Hello Astray3 readers,

Sorry to say there will be a brief delay for Astray3 chapter 3 page 34. Instead of waiting for Thursday, I’ll be posting the comic when it’s finished. Should be Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.

In further news, there will not be a comic update next week. I need to finish up work on an art book(let) that has to be sent to the printers by the end of next week. Yes, an art book(let). It’ll be a mish-mash of miscellaneous artwork I’ve created over the previous year. There will be some Astray3 artwork in there too. Initially, these will only be available at the June, 29th Deathray Expo. Afterward, there will be a temporary e-shop for you internet folks to obtain a copy. The artbooks will be a limited run. So, once they’re gone they’re gone. Also, expect some fancy art prints to trade for your money papers.

That’s it for now. New update soon.


Weekly update for April. 15 (16), 2019. Good news and bad. ( No comic this week. )

Hello readers,

A quick update for this week. First the good news, I’m finally wrapping up some of my side projects. This will allow me to again focus on comic production. Bad news, there won’t be a comic update this week. With all the extra work I haven’t made any progress on page 34. I hope to have the next update ready by Monday.

And with some luck, there will be extra goodies to show too.

That is all for now. See you next week.


Weekly update for April. 8, 2019. Comic updates Thursday!

An early look at the Astray3 chapter two cover.

Hello readers,

This week’s Astray3 update will be postponed till Thursday. As you know, I’m juggling several illustration projects. And sadly, this weekend wasn’t as productive as I would have wished.

It’s safe to say that irregular updates will be the norm until June is behind us.

See you Thursday!


Bonus, Procreate pic from last week. Enjoy!

Weekly update for April 1st, 2019. No comic update this week. ( No joke )

Procreate pic from last week.

Greetings readers,

No, Astray3 update this week. I’m working on the second chapter cover this week and want to get us back on the Monday schedule. Thus, look for a new comic update coming on April 8th. We should be wrapping up chapter three this month. After that, there may be a short break due to the sheer amount of new designs needed for chapter four. Astray3 chapter four will be a doozy. A lot of threads will be coming together and old friendships will be renewed. Look forward to it.

Be back soon!
