Greetings everyone,
Here is a long-overdue update to this much-neglected page. Sorry about that folks, but free time is hard to come by these days. For those who follow my other socials, you’ll know I’ve been neck-deep in work for Catalyst Game Labs and other game projects. It’s left no time to work on the comic. Hopefully, that will change in the near future. ( I would dearly like to wrap up the fourth chapter and epilogue for the first book of Astray3. )
In the meantime, I encourage you to check out my Twitter and Instagram for more current updates. ( Eldoniousrex on both. ) There should be plenty of exciting announcements coming down the pike in the next several months. I’ll also try to update this page at least once a week. Patreon is kinda dead at the moment, but it’s free to join since It charges by comic release and not by the month. ( No comics being released means no charges. ) You can find it here https://www.patreon.com/astray3
And I’d also encourage you to check out the Astray3 store page for stickers, books, prints, and whatever odd stuff I can add. https://astray3.bigcartel.com/
And finally, convention appearances have slowly returned. I’ll be at SpaCon again this year. ( https://spa-con.org/ ) Come by and say hi if you are in the area.
I’ll be back soon!
All the best,