After a short break we are back with a bloody new installment. And as you can see we are back in alien lingo territory. As before, translations will be posted in the blog area on Saturday. There is one change from the last time though. You can read the translation on the day of release on the Patreon page FOR FREE. It’s there for your perusal if you don’t feel like waiting.
Speaking of the Patreon page. There will be a new background lore piece on there soon. It should post on Wednesday. ( This will be free too. ) I will go into some depth about the Muradjinn and their background. Hopefully I can make these lore updates a regular feature. All this bonus content will be free, but Patrons will be able to vote on what topics are covered next.
And one more Patreon related thing, the process vid for the previous Emily artwork is available for viewing. Enjoy!

Till next time,