Sarna has posted a new “Bad” mech article! This time they’ve spotlighted a rather controversial choice for the topic, THE NOVA! This is the mech for the clanner who wants ALL the ER medium lasers. But, as they say, ” You want all the laser, you have to take all the heat. “
This is a quick update to let y’all know that Catalyst Game Labs has revealed the cover for the upcoming Battletech Empie Alone sourcebook. I’ve already shown this one off in full, but this is the first time with the wording in place.
Dream Pod 9 has started previewing the upcoming line of New Eden miniatures. Today they revealed the Centaur hover type Golem along with its variants. The Griffin was unveiled a few weeks ago, but we got to see all its accessories today.
This is my lone contribution to the book. But, I’m pretty proud of this one. The GDL is back in style and serving up some asymmetrical warfare to the clans.
Also, speaking of the Grey Death Legion, 1N51 over at Camo Specs Online sent me this awesome Marauder; painted up like Grayson Carlyle’s.
Make sure to check out Camo Specs Online for all your Battletech camo reference needs:
This is based on Grayson Carlyle’s famous Marauder 3R. I’m very honored to have this little beauty. Make sure to follow his twitter—->
Just like Fall in the Ozarks, you can’t take a walk through the woods without someone taking a potshot at you.
Greetings fair traveler,
The Everything Battletech Community decided to kick 2022 off right with this commissioned piece celebrating the Ost-mech line. This is part of an ongoing series of commissioned pieces EBT is funding to enrich the BT universe.
Makes sure to support their efforts and join their discord at:
The Grendel was an adventurer once. Then he took a sachel charge to the knee actuator.
Hello all,
CGL has posted image teasers for next week’s release of the Tamar Rising book. This is only half of the total image. You’ll have to wait for the rest on January 19th when the book releases.
So, it seems that the DP9 team plans to release my designs for the NEW New Eden miniature range over the month of January. Nice!
I’ve been wrestling with this project for the duration of 2021. I really don’t know a lot about Heavy Gear; I remember perusing the RPG books back in my teen years. It has certainly been an education. Lots of late nights patiently going over the details of HG lore and what weapon abbreviations mean.
This gear, or as Edenites call them “Golems,” is a Griffin. This is one of the first designs I produced for DP9. It’s a little rough for the first go; some wonky bits. It’ll come in two flavors. A light grenade version for anti-infantry work and an ECCM version to gum up enemy electronics. It comes with an in-built machine gun and melee claws standard.
Make sure to visit the original post for more details!